
Single Issue Comic

Lando: Double Or Nothing #5

LANDO’S made his way to an ambivalent Pretusian slave force. But can he convince them to stand up against the STORMTROOPERS who now are lower in number? Will ELLTHREE temper her passions in the face of massive droid abuses? Will Lando find a good card game and say “to hell with it all”?


Rodney Barnes


Paolo Villanelli, Joe Caramagna, Andres Mossa, W. Scott Forbes


Marvel Comics Lando: Double or Nothing Mini-Series


11 BBY


Reign of the Empire


Sep 19, 2018

Available at

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Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.
Logo of Wookieepedia, a comprehensive Star Wars wiki, featuring an image of the Death Star.

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